Monday 24 November 2014

Battle of Chippewa Phase Two

Riall's left flank. A RA 5.5 inch howitzer engages and American 6pdr down the lake shore road. To the rear the 19th L.D are in support. To the right of the house is 1st Foot 'Royal Scots.

On the left the big 24pdr gun and 6 pdr blast the American gun and infantry. The Americans take some casualties.

In the woods Pearson's Light Brigade are steadily pushing back the American Indians and Militia.

The Lincoln Militia Flank Companies are forcing back the Pennsylvania Volunteers.

The reverse view with Norton's Mohawks giving the American Volunteers flanking fire.


Scott's Brigade taking casualties fro the British guns.

 While the British are content to hold their present position and engage in an artillery duel, MGen Brown orders up the L.D. and divisional artillery.

Brigadier-General Porter arrives at the American camp in the hope of rallying the N.Y Volunteers to join the remaining elements of his brigade who are heavily engaged with Pearson's Light brigade.
In summary the main part of the battlefield has settled down to an artillery duel while Pearson's Light Brigade has been steadily pushing back Porter's Indians and Volunteers. It remains to be seen if Porter can rally his remaining militia units and perhaps go on the offensive against Pearson's Light Brigade.