Wednesday 26 June 2013

Another week and another night of Rolica.  The first turn started at 1520hrs, but I didn't remember to take any photos.  So, let's move on to 1540hrs.  During this turn, the Loisin and Kellerman continued to utilize their combined arms advantage to press in the British right flank.  One after another, the British squares and their supporting artillery fell to a combination of artillery fire, cavalry charge or infantry melee. 

On the other flank, Delaborde continued to hold on by his finger nails to Rolica Hill, while the British re-took the rest of the town, effectively cutting the French division in half.
By 1600 hrs, Delaborde had pushed further across the stream bed north of Rolica and was starting to lap around the British left flank. 
Back on the other flank, events had see-sawed back as the British continued to show their sting, forcing back two battalions of French infantry with their fire.  Two other battalions, though, failed to form square and were attacked by French cavalry.  One managed to obtain an engaged result but the other was destroyed.
Their is only one more hour to go until mutual exhaustion sets in.  Casualties are mounting on both sides but the questions remains:  can the British hold on to their gains or will they be beaten back even further.  An Amber Alert has been issued for General Junot and the rest of the French Army who appear to be taking their sweet time making it to the battlefield.

Wednesday 19 June 2013

After a long hiatus, we finally got back to our Battle of Rolica.  The time was now 1420hrs with less than three hours left before the arbitrary end of the battle due to ammunition consumption and fatigue. 

On the right flank, the French have massed their cavalry forcing the British into square.  The latter are now terribly vulnerable to infantry and the lone remaining French battalion takes advantage of this to charge into the British battalion at the corner.  They are forced to retreat and a hole suddenly develops in the British line.
On the left flank, Delaborde's troops and the British under Ferguson continue to grind each other down in a real battle of attrition.  Not only are the French hanging on, they have even managed to re-occupy part of Rolica village, itself. 
By 1440hrs, the French have forced back yet another British battalion but their casualties and fatigue are rapidly mounting.
On the other flank, Delaborde has pushed the Portuguese back across the stream bed but have lost their toe-hold in the village with two British battalions bearing down from the south.
There is still no sign of Junot and Reserve after all these hours of battle (did they stop for croissants along the way?)!  Will the British survive until sunset or will they break under the continued pressure from the combined arms attack of the French?  With two hours left, it is going to be close.