Saturday 21 March 2015


More gaming this last week with us now at Turn 18.  We finally saw some action on the French left with the latter plunging across to harass the Spanish troops facing them.  Could this be the precursor of the arrival of Delaborde's Division?

In the centre, the Baird's Division has valiantly pushed across the river and now occupy half of Carrion! French dragoons detached from Lorge's Division have temporarily pushed them back, but there are still a lot of British converging on the gap to try and widen the breakthrough.

Lastly, on the French right flank, Hope and Paget's Divisions have pressed the French into a tight pocket and are also threatening to turn the entire flank.

It is still a closely fought battle and the Allies still have the initiative overall.  Although the French have lost one division (the cavalry of Franchesci), they still have plenty of fight left in them.  But the battle isn't even at the half way point, so there is still a lot of fighting to be done before this battle is resolved.

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